Pearce Family History


In early January 1999 on one of those nights when sleep is denied, my thoughts drifted to members of my family, brothers and sisters, mostly now gone, as are our parents, and I realised that only my brother Jock and I remain of that particular Pearce line.

Over the years I personally had never placed a great deal of emphasis on dates and happenings in our family, possibly because of the fact that I was born some 11 years after the last child, my sister Elsie, and came I am assured, as a significant shock to our poor mother.

I was always therefore on the outside, so to speak in terms of age. With the advent of world war 2 when I was 4 years old, the gap was somewhat extended by my brothers going in to the armed services, and it was not until much later that, when the terrible conflict was over, and what was left of the family began to attempt to put their lives back together again that I was “growing up” and “catching up” age wise .

That particular night in 1999 started me to realising that nothing with regard to our family history had ever been documented. Our particular “dynasty” had commenced with our father over 100 years previously. Now in the last year of this century, everyone was becoming “millennium happy” and I thought this would be the best time to put together with the help of all the family , not a family tree as such, but a record or history of the Pearce “clan”

I am certainly not the best person by far to collect the memories and history of the Pearce clan, but most of those better qualified have gone. The individual memories and anecdotes that follow are of things and happenings in my time, or related to me by others over the years.

With the help and co-operation of Jock, who we call the “Gaffer”, the oldest living member of the clan, I thought I might stand a fighting chance. Now in his 79th year, and a mine of information, I asked him if he would help me with all the earlier details, and I am very much indebted for his help.

I asked everyone else in the family, mostly in the direct “line”for a start, if they would be willing to help, and they all said they would. Questionnaires that I devised were sent out to everyone , and were filled in and returned. Now I could begin!

Unashamedly, I have run the line through the male members of the family , for the line has to be drawn at some point. To do otherwise would mean to ramble aimlessly, and would become a written family tree.

The way I have chosen follows a distinct path, and will highlight the “branches”, and the importance and influence they have made over 4 or 5 generations, since 1893! The Perry’s the Tomson’s The Jansen’s The Lock’s the Yates’s and more recently The Newman’s all through the female side through marriage, have extended and enriched the “clan” immeasurably over the last 60 years.

I have attempted therefore, to tell each “tale” in the order of birth. Many gaps exist, mostly because the passing of time plays havoc with memories, with regard to dates etc, and yet on the other hand, the older one gets, the more one can remember in reminiscing, what may seem small insignificant things at the time, yet each leading to a whole network of memories.

Undoubtedly as time goes by, and others more competent than I take an interest, this project will receive many updates.

Masses of information has come to hand recently, very much so because of my nephew John Perry, to who I am very indebted in this matter, and who is now compiling the “family tree” and researching back in time, so far to date, around the 1840s.

His help and involvement has been of immense value, and I am very grateful to him for his input.

The majority of the text in the following “Tales”is mainly in the 3rd party, and therefore could be considered biographic. In most cases the detail has been supplied by the subject of the tale and I have embellished the detail in true “Pearce” fashion, namely, with exaggeration and poetic licence, as is my want. All have been checked and approved by the donors.

Almost without exception, not one of the “tales” is complete, and each is just a “starter for ten”. It is now up to each one in the “Dynasty” to summon the necessary enthusiasm to put the flash on the bones I have put in place.

In the case of those involved who are no longer here, most of the rest of us have memories of them, too good to miss over time. Whatever the case PLEASE put those memories in writing, or at least relate them to me.

So many of the family have kindly loaned photo’s and documents to be scanned and recorded on computer, for which this little booklet is most indebted. But no more so than for the skills and “techno-knowledge of the lads in the family who have done so much to help produce this. John Perry, already mentioned for his vast input of information discovery, and the IT skills of his son James, as well as the skills of my sons Tony and Phil for graphics and design have made the whole thing a pleasure

I owe them a great deal

The year 2000 could not be bettered for introducing this booklet. The start of a new era, a new millennium, in which Jock reaches his 80th birthday, a suitable time indeed to complete this task! Perhaps now, all the family will keep in touch and gather enough information for an update on Jock’s 85th!

If you are a descendant, direct or indirect of the two people on the front of this booklet, Percy and Flo Pearce, you are part of a Dynasty started over 100 years ago, this is your history, and that of your children.

Now it will not be lost!
